Tuesday Night Knitting and More!
A bi-weekly crafting group for knitting, crochet, sewing, and other handcrafts.
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A bi-weekly crafting group for knitting, crochet, sewing, and other handcrafts.
A book club to discuss Authentic Selves: Celebrating Trans and Nonbinary People and their Families, interviews by Peggy Gillespie.
Learn the basics of bullet journaling and get inspired to start your own mindfulness practice.
Did you know that how we think about aging impacts our health -- and longevity? Using topics from books about overcoming the negative influences of our society, we will explore our own thoughts on aging, spot examples of how society perpetuates negative images, and find ways to counter those influences.
Bring any book you like and join us for some cozy quiet reading in our beautiful Fellowship space, followed by conversation.
A bi-weekly crafting group for knitting, crochet, sewing, and other handcrafts.
Soul Matters is a small group ministry that invites participants to share reflections on a specific theme each month. Deepen your spiritual practice and connect with others in the community around all different topics.
A bi-weekly crafting group for knitting, crochet, sewing, and other handcrafts.
Soul Matters is a small group ministry that invites participants to share reflections on a specific theme each month. Deepen your spiritual practice and connect with others in the community around all different topics.
Bring any book you like and join us for some cozy quiet reading in our beautiful Fellowship space, followed by conversation.
In this workshop, we will use selected Psalms as a vehicle for exploring the practice of prayer. No prior experience with praying is required, and no specific faith tradition or belief system is assumed or expected – all you need to bring is your curiosity.
Learn the beautiful art of Pysanky, a Slavic egg-dying tradition.
In this workshop, you will learn the techniques of drawing on a chicken egg, applying melted wax, and using layers of dye to create a one-of-a-kind, multicolored piece of artwork. You will also learn about traditional designs, and incorporating your own art style into your Pysanky. Each participant will get to “write” (draw on and dye) one egg, which you will get to take home with you. All supplies will be provided.
Join us to make posters and discuss possibilities to hold Love and Justice vigils in our neighborhood.
A bi-weekly crafting group for knitting, crochet, sewing, and other handcrafts.
Meet with community members to create blankets for immigrants coming to the US. Blanket squares can be knitted, crocheted, or made of fabric.
A bi-weekly crafting group for knitting, crochet, sewing, and other handcrafts.
Soul Matters is a small group ministry that invites participants to share reflections on a specific theme each month. Deepen your spiritual practice and connect with others in the community around all different topics.
Bring any book you like and join us for some cozy quiet reading in our beautiful Fellowship space, followed by conversation.
Did you know that how we think about aging impacts our health -- and longevity? Using topics from books about overcoming the negative influences of our society, we will explore our own thoughts on aging, spot examples of how society perpetuates negative images, and find ways to counter those influences.
Join us for this beloved chocolate-based bake sale to raise money for a charity that the children choose!
A bi-weekly crafting group for knitting, crochet, sewing, and other handcrafts.
Join us on Tuesday, February 4 to make Chocolate Lollipops to donate to Chocolate Sunday! No cooking experience needed.
All supplies will be provided, just show up ready to work!
Join others in service by filling spice bags for the Salem Food Pantry and helping organize clothes for Clothing Connection.
Join us for a Sip, Talk, Learn party—a time to share knowledge with super-short presentations, drinks, and snacks.
A bi-weekly crafting group for knitting, crochet, sewing, and other handcrafts.
Looking for a way to honor the National Day of Service for MLK Day, or perhaps to do something for the community on Inauguration Day? Join us to come together as a community, craft cold-weather items for those in need, and discuss local efforts towards service and social justice. Crafters and non-crafters welcome!
Soul Matters is a small group ministry that invites participants to share reflections on a specific theme each month. Deepen your spiritual practice and connect with others in the community around all different topics.
A small-group workshop to help people harness their creativity and begin a creative practice, based around the book The Artist's Way.
Did you know that how we think about aging impacts our health -- and longevity? Using topics from books about overcoming the negative influences of our society, we will explore our own thoughts on aging, spot examples of how society perpetuates negative images, and find ways to counter those influences.
Bring any book you like and join us for some cozy quiet reading in our beautiful Fellowship space, followed by conversation.
A bi-weekly crafting group for knitting, crochet, sewing, and other handcrafts.
Celebrate the shortest day of the year as we gather to welcome Winter, create gifts for the evening, and usher the Sun’s light back to the earth and our hearts.
Join the First Church Community for Christmas Caroling!
A bi-weekly crafting group for knitting, crochet, sewing, and other handcrafts.
Soul Matters is a small group ministry that invites participants to share reflections on a specific theme each month. Deepen your spiritual practice and connect with others in the community around all different topics.
Bring any book you like and join us for some cozy quiet reading in our beautiful Fellowship space, followed by conversation.
Did you know that how we think about aging impacts our health -- and longevity? Using topics from books about overcoming the negative influences of our society, we will explore our own thoughts on aging, spot examples of how society perpetuates negative images, and find ways to counter those influences.
316 Essex Street, Salem MA 01970 ~ (978) 744-1551