Ministerial Search Committee


Search team on ice couch!

In February and March, we are hosting finalists for in-person visits.  It has been a joy and an honor to share with prospective ministers, all about Salem and our beloved congregation!   While we are unable to share details about the candidate pool, we value your continued input, questions and support.

Ministerial candidates have been reviewing our Congregational Record on the UUA’s Ministry Search website.

Members can read a password-protected copy of the document online. A password was emailed to all members; please reach out to the search team or the church office for assistance.

First Church Opts to Pursue Contract-to-Call Ministry: Read all about it!

Break Barriers, Build Beliefs (B4) Workshop - held in November.

Learn more on our B4 webpage.

What We Learned - read our after-workshop summary!


[L-R] Chris Finn, Peter Copelas, Laura Caron, John Wathne, Anna Brandenburg [front]

Ministerial Search Committee Formed

Your Standing Committee is very pleased to announce the formation of a very strong team to lead the congregation in the ministerial search process. We are grateful to Anna Brandenburg, Laura Caron, Peter Copelas, Chris Finn, and John Wathne for stepping forward to undertake this critical work…

Greetings from your Ministerial Search Team!  
As we begin this work on behalf of the congregation, we are grateful for the grounding and vision work that has been done by the Transition Team and congregation over the past two years.  Thank you!  As the torch is passed, we are blessed by the trust you have placed in our hands…

Surveys and Discussion Groups!

Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete our congregational surveys and/or participate in one of the small group discussions. Your voice is important!

We are working on compiling and summarizing the feedback collected, and we look forward to sharing what we learned with the congregation.

Questions? Input? Please feel free to speak directly with any member of the search team.
We can be reached as a group at