Weekly e-Herald: Friday, September 9

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Covid-19 Resources | Pandemic Task Force
In Today's e-Weekly: 
Online Directory: Breeze
Service Details
10:30am In-Person &

First Church First Looks

Homecoming Sunday
Community Fellowship

On this Homecoming Sunday, we are asking that First Church members and friends bring a snack to share at our Coffee Hour following the service.  Anything from homemade cookies to something that you grab on your way out the door--all offerings are most welcome and appreciated.  Please email Alicia Diozzi at msdiozzi@yahoo.com with questions or if you'd like to lend a hand to make this one a Fellowship to remember!

Soul Matters

We extend a warm welcome to Rev. Jenny and everyone in the congregation as we gather for this church year. Each and everyone of you is invited to join our small group ministry Soul Matters which meets to share reflections on a specific theme each month. Participating in a small group that encourages mindful engagement is a way to deepen your personal spiritual practice and your connection to others in the church community. To help get you started thinking about the monthly theme there is a booklet full of exercises, meditations, questions to ponder, and music and readings to inspire and engage you. 
The Soul Matters theme for September is BelongingThe meeting will take place in person on Sunday, September 25 at 12:15pm in Willson Hall. Feel free to drop by to reconnect or come for the first time. If you have questions or would like a reminder email, contact Melody Lee.

Water Communion

Join us this Sunday for our annual Water Communion service. We invite you to visit the nearest body of water, (which, for many of us, may be the nearest sink) with any vessel on hand to gather a small amount of water to bring to the service.

Staff Office Hours

Welcome back! Swing by or make an appointment to visit the staff if you need anything.
Rev. Jenny Rankin is in-person Tuesdays and Thursdays with open office hours Thursday from 1p-4p. She can also be reached via email or phone 978-741-1629. 

Congregational Administrator,Catherine Bertrand, Tuesday through Friday 8:30a-2pm and Sundays before the service and after until 12:15pm. Please feel to reach out via email or phone at 978-744-1551.

Our RE Coordinator Theo Burbank will be available Tues-Fri 3p-6p and Sundays9:30a-1:30p. Theo can also be reached through email

As always Music Director Michael Kraft can be reached via email

My Door is Open…

Thank you to those of you who have welcomed me in so many different ways in the last few weeks:  help with setting up email addresses and technology, rearranging the furniture in the minister’s office, bringing me a home-made picnic lunch, some beautiful flowers for my desk, or simply, (and not so simple at all) the willingness to spare some of your time to sit down with me and share a bit about your connection with First Church and your experiences in the last few years.

It's been great to start putting a face with a name and hearing from you directly; I also look forward to meeting you in person this coming Sunday September 11th when I’ll be with you in worship for the first time. I appreciate the chance to greet you at church and then at the reception following the service.

When I start a new interim ministry, I generally begin by having conversations with staff, deacons, Standing Committee.  However, there are an awful lot more of you I want to meet! 

As you know, getting started in a new job can be a LOT all at once!  One thing you can do to help me as I get started is to email me (minister@firstchurchinsalem.org) and let me know if you’d be willing to sit down and chat, share your experience at First Church with me. It doesn’t have to be soon—there’s no urgency or rush—but let’s connect and get something on the calendar so we know it will happen. It could be in late September or January!   

If we want to meet in person, the best days are Tuesdays and Thursday when generally I’ll be working on site at the church. We can meet on Zoom on Monday or Wednesday when I work remotely from home.  But some of you will need an evening or weekend time, and we can work that out as well.

So let me know you are “out there” and would like to get acquainted and are willing to tell me a bit about “your First Church in Salem” experience.  And thank you.

It’s September, and another church year, I’m excited to “begin again” with you.

Religious Education

We are so excited to begin another year of RE! This year we will be focusing on Our UU Values in the World. We will learn about how we can show our UU Values everywhere from our homes to our community to forests and the ocean. We have lots of fun projects and field trips in store!

We will start the year with an Intergenerational Homecoming service this Sunday, Sept. 11. This service will contain elements for all ages, including a water communion ritual and a hands-on activity.

Next week, we will start weekly Sunday School! The RE Team is thrilled to offer weekly Sunday School again. In order to make this happen, we need classroom volunteers! If you would like to volunteer to teach Sunday School–or help out with any other aspect of the program–you can fill out a Volunteer Sign-up Sheet.

And if you haven’t already, please fill out an RE Registration Form for your family.

Finally, I have new hours as the RE Coordinator this year. I will be working Tuesday-Friday 3-6 and Sunday 9:30-1:30. Please feel free to reach out to me via email at fcreligioused@gmail.com or make an appointment to talk anytime within those hours. I will be posting virtual office hours once the church year starts.

In faith,
Theo Burbank
Religious Education Coordinator

Feel Like Singing?

As the new church year begins, and our interim minister, Rev. Jenny Rankin, is in place, I am excited and hopeful that we can once again gather as singers to participate in services and bring all of the energy and inspiration that comes with that to our congregation!
I invite all of you to consider participating in some initial Saturday morning singing sessions to get our voices going again and having fun with some simple and familiar music. There will be a time of figuring out exactly who we are as a choir after not meeting for 2 ½ years! Once we have established who we have and people’s interest and availability for the fall, a plan will be made for when, how often, and what we sing in the Sunday services.
The dates I have chosen for starters are Saturday, September 17 and Saturday, September 24 at 9am, in the Cleveland Room.
Contact Michael at music@firstchurchinsalem.org for more information and your expression of interest.

Pandemic Task Force

As we approach Homecoming Sunday and the heart of the new church year, I would like to ask you to join me in honoring the work of the Reentry Committee, who have worked diligently for over two years to keep us safe while facilitating our revered worship practices with hope, faith, and a commitment to inclusion.  I encourage you all to read the report of the committee in the 2022 Annual report (page 45) to get a sense of the very thoughtful and deliberate process this team built on our behalf.

We are at something of a turning point now, as we have “re-entered” to worship in the Meeting House.  And yet, the pandemic cannot be said to be over, and the key indicators of public health may swing negatively at any time.  The need to balance the interests and vulnerabilities of all remains.  At the same time, Reentry Committee members deserve a breather from the very committed work they have been doing for this extended period.

Recognizing that this diligent review must continue, even as circumstances change, the Standing Committee is discussing a plan to refresh the process and the committee.  It is our intent to recruit a team of members to pick up this ministry, using the tools, references and guides available and to make sound recommendations for meeting and gathering practices, and communicating those clearly to the congregation.

We hope to have this group, tentatively called the Pandemic Task Force, in place and introduced within September, though we recognize the significant commitment such ministry represents.  All input on the make-up, number of members, meeting frequency, and other considerations is welcome.  Please touch base with any member of the Standing Committee if you have suggestions, comments, or questions, or if you see a role for yourself in this work.

In the meantime, as this team is being formed, we ask the congregation to patiently stay the course with current practices for worship in the Meeting House.  That is, for the next three Sundays, we will continue to ask attendees to wear masks and respect social distancing.

We look forward to hearing your comments and reporting updates to you.

In community,


In the Community

Join The Salem Pantry in The Ride for Food. 

Like to bike? Join our team of riders at The Ride for Food on October 2nd!

The Salem Pantry is again participating in The Ride for Food and we need your help! We are seeking more cyclists to join our team of riders on October 2nd as we bike to our goal of raising $10,000. You can choose to ride 25 or 50 miles.

As a Ride for Food team member, you will ask neighbors, friends, and family to support you while you complete your challenge. We ask that you raise at least $350. Every dollar you raise will go to support food security and The Salem Pantry.

Not a cyclist? No problem. Check out these other ways to help.

Do you like supporting The Salem Pantry? Do you enjoy walking, paddling, biking, jogging, running or hiking? Or maybe TV marathons are more your thing? Either way, you can participate in The Ride for Food.
For more information contact Hannah Beth Hembree

Visiting First Church?

If you're visiting First Church for the first time in a long time or the first ever please click here for information about parking, directions, service times and more!

UUA New England Region

5 Tips For Heavy Lifting!
by wren Bellavance-Grace
"We return to our traditional New England UU church year in September, many of us feeling the same way after three years of covid - so much of what we used to do is just harder." 
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