Weekly e-Herald: Friday, October 21

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In Today's e-Weekly: 
Online Directory: Breeze
Service Details
10:30am In-Person &

From Rev. Jenny

Dear Friends,
Well it’s been quite a week and I feel like my head is still spinning!
I’m writing this in my quiet study at home in Concord on Friday. But my mind is filled with visions of Salem on a glorious fall afternoon—deep blue sky, bright sunshine and streets flocking with visitors—cloaks, felted witch hats, talking, eating, consulting cell phones and occasionally looking at (I know - so old school) a paper map or a guide book.
You’ve been speaking of “October in Salem” in ominous tones since I started, and this week I decided to take the plunge and get right into it. I booked a ticket for the House of the Seven Gables for Thursday morning (even though you told me “not to go in October"). I decided I wanted to get right out there and experience it for myself. 
If you want to read more of my “Letter from Salem", zoom in or come to church on Sunday. That will be the subject of my sermon, exploring the larger topic of First Church roots, as well as some ruminations of what its like as we try to “come back from the pandemic years.”  See you on Sunday!

First Church First Looks!

Family Fun Night is TONIGHT!
Join us in the Cleveland Room
from 6:00-8:30.

There will be crafts, games, pizza, and some fun around the “campfire”. Come in costume, and bring your friends!
Open House on First Church Governance
This Sunday, October 23rd,
during Fellowship
Are you wondering how First Church is organized?  How decisions are made, and who makes them?  In this session, we'll:
  • take a look at the leadership structure of the church;
  • describe some of the key roles and responsibilities;
  • share the high level priorities that your current Standing Committee has identified.
The presentation will take about 20 minutes, but we are planning lots of time for questions.  Please grab coffee and a snack, get comfortable, and ask away!

Religious Education

Don’t forget to wear your costumes on Sunday, October 30th as well for our costume parade in the meeting house!

Religious Education is hiring! We are looking for two classroom teachers—one for grades K-4 and one for grades 5-7—as well as a childcare provider. Please take a look at these job descriptions and share them with anyone you think would be interested. These hires will allow us to create multiple classrooms for our RE program and provide our children and youth with age-specific curricula.

This year, the children and youth of our church are collecting Thanksgiving donations for It Starts With ME!, an organization that will provide Thanksgiving dinner to over 600 households on the North Shore. We will be collecting donations on Sundays from now through November 13th. See the flier below for details!

Opportunities from Pastoral Care

Meal Train for Lynn Taggart
Lynn Taggart is having more surgery in November. We have updated the meal train site with additional dates for dinners for Lynn and Russell Lane. Please provide a meal if you are able. Your ongoing support is greatly appreciated. 

Meal Train for Lynn Taggart

Care Team Coffee
The care team and minister will be meeting over coffee and snacks on Thursday Nov. 10 at 11:00 in the Barnard Room. We will discuss ideas for a goodie bag to provide to our shut ins during the holiday season. It will also give us an opportunity to get to know each other better as we continue to reconnect in person. We look forward to your ideas on items that will provide comfort and cheer to the recipients. Please plan to join us. All are welcome.

Phone Call Connection
We are planning to call all members and friends of First Church in the next month. This will allow us to reconnect, get any updated contact information and find out how you and your family are doing. Volunteers will each be given about 10 names to call. We'll provide a sample script and ask that you provide any comments or suggestions you hear on how we can better communicate with our congregation.
If you would be willing to make a few calls, please contact Sharon Corrigan at 802-236-0054 (shuisman1936@gmail.com)

Holiday Thank You Lunch December 4
The Care team will acknowledge and express appreciation to all those who have provided meals, rides and cards during the last two years. We are blessed with a caring community who has supported each other all during the pandemic. It is time for a thank you celebration to all the care angels. Please save the date and plan to join us. More details will be coming.

A Special Fellowship for Thanksgiving

The deacons would like to welcome everyone to our First Church family table for Thanksgiving Sunday with a community potluck fellowship on November 20 (the Sunday before Thanksgiving). We invite you to bring a dish or snack for either adults or children, but if the season finds you too busy, please join us anyway to share in our gratitude for our many blessings.

Monthly Thursday Breakfasts

Last Thursdays Breakfast: 7:00a.m. Maria's Restaurant, 10 Jefferson Ave.
We are reviving a popular pre-COVID event:  On the last Thursday morning of every month, we will get breakfast together at Maria's Restaurant when it opens at 7:00 a.m. There is no agenda, other than to enjoy one another's company.  All are welcome.  Contact Duncan Cox with any questions: coxes3@protonmail.com

October Tours Off to a Fun Start!

Last weekend we welcomed a steady stream of curious visitors into the Meetinghouse ... including an out-of-state couple who were married at our church years ago!  Please feel free to drop by, join the evening fellowship, and brush up on your First Church history this weekend!

Tours are scheduled for: Saturday Oct. 22, Thursday Oct. 27, and Friday Oct. 28. Volunteers are still needed on all of those nights, in order for the fun to continue. Online sign-ups are here: 

October 2022 First Church Tours

Any questions, contact Anna (text/voice 413-244-4021) / annabrande@icloud.com or Alicia alicia_diozzi@yahoo.com. Please reach out if you'd like to help, but aren't able to commit to a full 3 hours. Thank you!

Moments of Stewardship

Welcome back to Church! Fall has arrived, with all the high spirits it brings with it here in Salem.

On Homecoming Sunday we enjoyed our tradition of sharing water from our various summer experiences, a beautiful way of calling us in after being apart for the summer. Pouring our water from many sources – some salty, some fresh – into a shared bowl, reminds us of the power of coming together from our divergent paths.

With the Fall, we welcome our Interim Minister Jenny Rankin. We’re thankful for Jenny’s years of experience as we enter a time of transition. She is here to help us along during this in-between time, as we work to better understand ourselves and one another.

One of the non-verbal ways we communicate our support of the First Church community in times of transition is through our generosity of financial resources, recognizing that some have more to offer than others, and that all gifts from the heart are meaningful. Indeed, it is at times of tenderness and vulnerability that the strength of a community is revealed through generosity of many sorts.

Pledging may feel like a token gesture, especially if you are not in a position to give much. It’s not. Rather, the act of making a commitment is very meaningful in what it communicates to fellow congregants about the strength of our covenant with one another, to staff who rely on us for their livelihoods, and to prospective ministers who might consider answering our call.

Please consider pledging generously today by using any of the following methods:

Thank you for considering!

Anna Brandenburg | Sarah Blodgett | Valentina Burbank | Jessica Kane |
Nicole McLaughlin, Chair

Visiting First Church?

If you're visiting First Church for the first time in a long time or the first time ever please click here for information about parking, directions, service times and more!
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