A Message from the Interim Minister

A Message from the Interim Minister

Dear Members and Friends of the First Church Community,

As I announced in my pulpit editorial on Sunday, June 3 the Standing Committee has hired an Interim Minister. Terry Sweetser is an accomplished minister with a great deal of experience working with UU churches in the Northeast. He will serve us for a year with the ability to extend for a second year. Reverend Sweetser will begin effective August 1st. He asked for the opportunity to send a note which you can read below.


Marlene Warner

Chair, Standing Committee

Dear Members and Friends of the First Church in Salem,

I’m honored and delighted to take up interim ministry among you during this period of ministerial transition. You have been faithfully and wonderfully served by Reverend Jeff for almost a generation. For him and for your congregation it’s a time of change, farewells, and new beginnings.

Because of the work you and Reverend Jeff have done together First Church is vital, strong and balanced. You have spiritual depth, a passion for justice, and commitment to young people. Our task now is to find new ways to walk together with God.

As we start our walk together I need to get to know you. Above all, I need to listen and learn. So, I will be spending time in August and September becoming immersed in the ways of First Church and Salem. If there is anything you think I should know plan to meet with me in August or email me any time terrysweetser1964@gmail.com.

I come to you with forty-five years experience as a Unitarian Universalist minister. The church I grew up in, First Parish, Norwell (gathered in 1642), was not very different from First Church, Salem (gathered in 1629). We said the Lord’s Prayer and were inspired by scripture every week. I’m glad to be coming home to it.

Please cherish the good-byes and hellos ahead.


The Reverend Terry Sweetser