2021 First Church Pledge Campaign

Thank you for making a financial pledge to First Church in Salem for the upcoming fiscal year (July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021). Please see the form below to submit your pledge information.

Currently we are offering a new way to contribute via a new online platform called Breeze. Additionally we can update any current giving you do with First Church through our original electronic giving platform called Vanco. Please complete the form below to see all options.

If you plan to make your 2020-2021 pledge payments through Breeze you will be contacted by the Church Administrator in June to finalize the set up.

In the mean time if you'd like to make payments on this fiscal years pledge please do so by going to https://firstchurchinsalem.breezechms.com/give/online and making a one time contribution or setting up a recurring gift for the upcoming weeks. Please note this online giving platform is different from the current ACH (Electronic) Giving that some members are enrolled in. For more information on how to switch to the one above please email Catherine at office@firstchurchinsalem.org.