Please join us for the First Church’s annual meeting, to be held at the conclusion of the May 2nd Sunday service.  Instead of the usual breakout rooms at the conclusion of worship, we will transition directly into annual meeting, led by Moderator Jamie Tanch.

Voting members in households that would like to vote individually should plan to join the service on separate devices as we will be utilizing the zoom polling application to count all members in good standing as well as voting on all motions. As a reminder members in good standing are those who have made a financial contribution since the Annual Meeting last year (June 7, 2020). 

Click here for a draft of the Annual Report

We do expect there will be the usual questions to the printed reports as generally occurs in a typical annual meeting, but whereas we are meeting “virtually”, we would like to receive your questions prior to the meeting in the interest of time. Allowing questions during the meeting would stretch out an already long Zoom session and we ask for your understanding.

Please email any questions or comments you might have for the Minister, Treasurer, Trustees, etc. to no later than Friday April 30th at 2pm and Catherine will collate and forward them to the intended recipients. During the meeting, those questions will be read and answered by the recipients during the respective order of business.

You may also submit comments and corrections to the printed minutes by using the email address. Thank you for your help as we try to keep First Church moving forward during this very challenging time.