Wed, March 2, 2022


Dear First Church Community:

As you are not doubt aware, in recent months, there has been much discussion of issues related to the ministry and direction of the church. This has occurred in the context of unprecedented change in the circumstances of our lives, homes, work and school. Amidst the changes, we want our church community to be strong and vibrant – of course, we do. And listening to each other fully and completely is a key element of our health.   Our goal is to do just that – listen respectfully and compassionately – and learn about and from each other in the process.

The month of March will be a time to carefully discern the best way to learn from and listen to each other.  The Standing Committee has asked us to elaborate a proposal on how best to do that.  We seek to develop an effective, deliberate process where all will be heard successfully.  Please know we are taking action towards creating such a process. It will take some time, at least several weeks, before we are able to move forward with a process that will serve us.    

Our goal is to coalesce a transparent, open and inclusive process that can address the hopes and needs of our community in a way that is compassionate, constructive, collaborative rather than competitive, critical and confrontational.  More to come as this develops.

We look forward to working with you in the spirit of mutual engagement and hope as we move forward in creating our beloved community.

Our Very Best,

Michael Mascolo, Jim Ognibene, and Anthony Silva, Chair, Standing Committee

Timeline of Recent Events

 1.     A letter was sent from several members of the congregation to the Standing Committee raising questions about the ministry and direction of First Church. This prompted numerous meetings, involving members of the Standing Committee, Committee on Shared Ministry, Trustees, UU representatives, other UU ministers, and Reverend Ide.

2.     A request was made to call a Special Meeting of the Church to discuss the issues raised in this letter.

3.     On February 10, the Standing Committee voted to authorize a warrant to call a Special Meeting of the Congregation to occur on February 27th.

4.     An open-letter, signed by 40 members of the Church community, was sent to the Church community requesting that such a meeting be postponed, and which suggested alternative ways to address concerns about the ministry of the Church.  In lieu of a Special Meeting to be held in February, the letter writers suggested the possibility of a performance review for the current minister, followed by a Special Meeting of the Church to address lingering issues – albeit one with “clear ground rules, guidelines, and boundaries for the congregation's discussion, perhaps with the support of a professional mediator”.

5.     On Saturday, February 19th, the Standing Committee voted to postpone the Special Meeting until April, 2022.

6.     On February 20th, Anthony Silva, Chair of the Standing Committee, read a statement to the congregation announcing the Standing Committee’s decision to delay the Special Meeting.  In that letter, Mr. Silva wrote:

[Over the past years] we have tried to work together collaboratively… to face this impossibly challenging period…but at times…I have to be honest with you…it’s been crushing.  Truly crushing….Through it all…we have tried to bring our love of this religious community and our commonly held principals to the table with mutual respect and gratitude…Even though we arrive here with good intentions and a sense of compassion in our hearts….we can’t be afraid to hold our convictions and beliefs deeply and passionately. We must be committed to listening deeply to each other…even when it's hard.  In fact, especially when its hard…because that is a real invitation to delve deeper in an effort understand each other more fully…The issues being discussed cannot be easily dismissed.  Some members of this beloved congregation are hurting.  Some are in pain. We need to acknowledge that pain and pledge to work together to address these real concerns.

7.     On February 23rd, the Standing Committee entertained suggestions made by several church members to seek ways to address issues raised by community members in ways that can promote genuine reflection on the needs and pain experienced by members of the community – one that can promote healing and problem-solving and avoid the possibility of division.  In this meeting, the Standing Committee voted to appoint two church members (Jim Ognibene and Michael Mascolo) – both with experience in mediation and conflict resolution – to begin to launch this process. 

Sun, Feb. 20, 2022


(From last Sunday’s Service)

 Good morning, I’m Anthony Silva.  For the last two years, I’ve served as Chair of your Standing Committee.  I wanted to share with you a few thoughts and some news with you. 

 First and foremost, Welcome back to First Church, it is so very good to be back in the Meeting House!

 The last 2 years have been so very hard on a multitude of levels.  I’ve been waking up unexpectedly at 3AM in recent months filled with the ramblings and worries of First Church and what we have been facing.  Two years of this pandemic have forced me, Rev Elizabeth, the Standing Committee, the Re-Entry Committee, the Deacons, our wonderful staff, other church leaders and committees to face issues and problems we never could have envisioned.  We have tried to work together collaboratively, to face this impossibly challenging period, but at times, I have to be honest with you, it’s been crushing.  Truly crushing.

 Through it all, we have tried to bring our love of this religious community and our commonly held principals to the table with mutual respect and gratitude. Even though we arrive here with good intentions and a sense of compassion in our hearts….we can’t be afraid to hold our convictions and beliefs deeply and passionately. We must be committed to listening deeply to each other, even when it's hard.  In fact, especially when it's hard because that is a real invitation to delve deeper in an effort understand each other more fully.

 I respect everyone who has taken the time to contact the Standing Committee. You, the members of First Church, should know that with the help of many of us, representatives of the UUA and other ministers, consultants and mentors, we’ve been discussing important issues of our ministries.  The issues being discussed cannot be easily dismissed.  Some members of this beloved congregation are hurting.  Some are in pain. We need to acknowledge that pain and pledge to work together to address these real concerns.

In recent online discussions, so many assumptions have been made about process and motives.  Assumptions are never a safe stance. They lack facts. You know what they say about assumptions…and most of the time, assumptions never elevate us.  After all,  we are all on the same side here. I encourage you to ask questions, challenge assumptions,  listen deeply and understand.

As most of you know, a Special Meeting of the Congregation has been scheduled to discuss some of these issues.

Yesterday, a group of 40 members sent the Standing Committee an Open Letter asking that the Meeting be postponed to give us all time to first - breathe - and also to be more mindful of our path ahead. 

Within 3 hours of that Letter being received, we had contacted every member of the Standing Committee and we voted unanimously to postpone that Special Meeting of the Society until mid April.  This will give us all time to take the necessary steps to include as many of you as possible in this process ahead. 

Your work is not done because we need you to stay engaged in this process.  We’ll ask some of you to lead parts of this process.  We simply can not do this alone, not should we.  

So, now is the time to lean in and be part of the solution. We need you…we really do.   Your church leaders are exhausted, after 2 years of this pandemic and they all deserve your gratitude.  A small group has been working hard to continue the good work of this church community even though we had an ever changing playing field and set of rules to guide us. It’s been dizzying at times.

This morning, we are back in our Meetinghouse and …I would like to recognize those who have been working so hard…

The  Standing Committee.  The Deacons. The Re-Entry Committee. The Committee on Shared Ministry. Rev. Elizabeth. Catherine Bertrand, our Church Administrator. Michael Kraft, our gifted Choir and Music Director. Billy McCarthy, who has upgraded and painted portions of the church while we have been away. And the rest of you who have stepped up to make church and community happen in these most challenging of times. Thank you!