Many of us decide early on that we are “not really artists,” yet we all are born with creativity inside of us. Join Jenny Rankin and Lynn Taggart in this 3 week exploration of how we can “recover” our own “creativity gene.” We’ll be using Julia Cameron’s book, The Artist’s Way, as our jumping off point; there will be “homework” in between meetings we hope you find both fun and also a little taxing. No pain no gain, right? We will do some “hands on” experiments in creativity as part of the sessions, as well as group sharing and individual time for writing/creating/reflection. Attendance at all 3 sessions is expected in order to build trust within the group. If you are interested, but can not make these specific dates, please let us know and we’ll see whether we can add an additional workshop.
Sessions take place on 1/16, 1/23, and 1/30 from 10:30am-12pm. Participants will need to purchase or borrow a copy of The Artist's Way to read along with throughout the workshop, and should bring a notebook to the sessions.
There is a minimum of 5 participants needed for this workshop to move forward. If we do not reach the minimum within a few days of the first session, you will recieve an email to let you know it has been cancelled.
Registration is necessary for this event. Please sign up using this link. If you have any trouble, contact Theo at